Nutritionist & Exercise Scientist
(BHSc, MNut)

Specialist GP, Functional Medicine
(BSc, PhD, MBBS)

Understand Your Body & Transform Your Health

Have you struggled in the past with low energy, inflammation or stubborn weight?

It's time for a new approach.

Nutritionist & Health Scientist
(BHSc, MNut)

Specialist GP, Functional Medicine
(BSc, PhD, MBBS)

Understand Your Body & Transform Your Health

Have you struggled in the past with low energy, inflammation or stubborn weight?

It's time for a new approach.

Next Program Coming Soon


...struggled with unexplained symptoms or discomfort that impact your daily life, with no clear explanation why?
...visited a doctor seeking answers, only to be told that everything looks fine, leaving you frustrated and still feeling unwell?
...felt confused by conflicting health advice, leaving you unsure about what truly works for your unique body?
...felt like you're not getting the personalised attention and support you need to truly understand and address your health concerns?

Why does this happen? It's simple—our bodies are all unique and intricate systems with different needs and requirements. One-size-fits-all approaches often fall short because they overlook the individuality of each person's biology.

"It's not a lack of effort or willpower; it's about finding an approach that is tailored to your unique biochemistry, lifestyle, and goals."
Amelia Phillips


Based on science, Inner Vitality embraces the uniqueness of each individual, and ensures you understand what's happening inside to drive real change on the outside.


Focussing solely on managing symptoms rather than addressing the underlying root causes of health issues.
Generic solutions that lack personalisation and assume what works for one person will work for everyone.
Doctors, nutritionists and trainers working in isolation with no-one having a clear picture of your health.


Inner Vitality uncovers underlying factors that contribute to health issues, to support long-term well-being and vitality.
Inner Vitality's approach is integrative, bringing together expertise from different fields that cover functional medicine, exercise science, and nutrition.
Inner Vitality empowers you with expert knowledge and education, enabling you to take an active role in managing your health.

"It's about understanding that your body holds the key to its own transformation, and our program guides you to unlock that potential"
Dr. Jasmina Dedic-Hagan

Next Program Coming Soon


Biomarkers are measurable substances in your blood that offer valuable insights into your body's functions and overall health and tell us what is happening at a cellular level.

By analysing your blood biomarkers, we gain insights into your body's unique chemistry and functioning. This enables us to pinpoint the individual factors that are influencing your overall wellbeing.

For instance, we can detect signs of inflammation, hormonal imbalances, nutrient deficiencies, or other underlying health concerns that may be apparent from regular check-ups.

The Inner Vitality approach starts by building a picture of your health using a combination of over 50 blood biomarkers. Your blood is taken at a convenient pathology lab near you, and you receive your results in an online report checked by a doctor.

Vitamin D
Iron Studies
Kidney Function
Full Blood Count
Pancreatic Function
Blood Glucose
Liver Function
Bone Health

Together, Dr Jasmina and Amelia will show you how to interpret your results, explaining their direct relevance to your health and wellness, and equipping you with precise strategies to modify your lifestyle for impactful changes in your biomarkers.


Six years ago, Amelia's personal health journey led her to Dr. Jasmina. They quickly found that they shared a passion for helping others, and united by a common vision, they decided to join forces to create a revolutionary 8-week program known as Inner Vitality.

Amelia and Dr. Jasmina will be with you every step of the way throughout the program


Nutritionist and Exercise Scientist
(BHSc, MNut)

Amelia Phillips is proud to be your host for the program. As a registered exercise students, nutritionist, and published researcher, Amelia has spent her 26 year career on a mission to unlock human potential through a holistic approach to health and wellness.

Amelia has facilitated profound transformations, empowering thousands of people to achieve improved vitality, health, and harmony. Amelia's warm and approachable nature makes her a trusted guide on the journey to a healthier and happier life.


Specialist GP, Functional Medicine
(BSc, PhD, MBBS)

Dr. Jasmina Dedic-Hagan is a highly qualified Specialist GP, Functional Medicine Doctor, and Lifestyle Medicine Board Certified professional.

With a wide range of expertise, she focuses on gut health, autoimmune diseases, endometriosis, PCOS, fertility, perimenopause/menopause, metabolic issues, cardiovascular disease, and sports nutrition.

Dr. Jasmina's passion for preventive health sets her apart. She believes in unlocking and understanding each individual's unique biochemistry, empowering them to take charge of their health proactively for improved outcomes and a better quality of life.


Over 8 weeks, Dr. Jasmina and Amelia will then show you how to use the insight from your biomarkers to inform your exercise, nutrition, and lifestyle and learn how to be in control of your own health.


Biomarker Live Workshop


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Amelia and Dr. Jasmina will guide you in implementing your newfound knowledge and creating a roadmap for long-term success.


& Weight


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Strategies and practical tips for understanding and mastering your metabolism


& Energy


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Gain valuable insights into the fascinating world of thyroid, and how it can affect your energy levels.


Sleep & Midway Checkpoint


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Unlock the secrets to better sleep, and review your progress on the program so far.


& Diet


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Discover how to nourish your body optimally based on your unique needs.


& Stress


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Understanding inflammation and stress management, vital components for a balanced and thriving life.




>Biomarker Live Workshop

Learn dietary habits and lifestyle changes that can significantly influence your body’s natural detoxifying abilities.


Designing Your Future


>Biomarker Live Workshop

Implement your newfound knowledge and creating a roadmap for long-term success.

All members also receive a carefully crafted nutrition plan and exercise plan to complement your health journey.

Next Program Coming Soon


Trudie H.

"This program has given me a huge insight into my health and the tools I need to be a better me. I have spent years trying to make myself feel better and I have finally found it. If anyone is interested in their health this is THE ONE ☝️ Thank you I feel blessed."

Lalita R.

"Within just 2 weeks, my energy levels started to improve; 8 weeks on, I have lost weight and feel strong in my body and mind. With a deeper understanding of my own body, I have a sense of control over my own health (and destiny!) and a zest for life :-)"

Wanita M.

"I can’t believe how much information was in this program and how generous Amelia and Dr Jasmina were with their time, knowledge and expertise to all of us. I have so much more understanding around my body’s biomarkers and now know how I can improve these with diet, exercise, supplements. I love and rate this program."

Bec S.

"The Inner Vitality program can truly be described as life changing! I have learnt so much about my health and body right now and have also gained valuable knowledge to tackle any future issues that may arise. I cannot recommend this program enough and feel it is something every woman should do to take control of their health via lifestyle changes and prevention methods."

Michelle F.

"Getting to see my blood test results and learning what it means for my health gave me the drive to pick from all the strategies and changes provided by Amelia and Dr Jasmina."

Kristy G.

"As a result of this program I have felt more energised and have finally started seeing significant improvements in my body (much better muscle tone and increased fitness). Best of all, through Dr Jasmina's generous, science-back insights and Amelia's wealth of practical advice I now have a much better understanding of what my body really needs through precise, personalised biomarker data, rather than guessing and seeing how my body responds. I HIGHLY recommend Inner Vitality to other women wanting to use science to improve their health and wellbeing."

Jane C.

"The program was a game changer for me. I now have a spring back in my step and a greater understanding of how small and relative easy to implement changes can have a big impact on my overall well being. I lost 2kg without even trying. Amelia and Dr Jasmina are experts in their field, making complex information easy to understand. They are very supportive and generous with their time and knowledge."

Jackie A.

"I have learnt so much over the last 8 weeks. I finally believe in myself and feel empowered to achieve a healthier mind and body. Thanks for all your support and advice through the program. I can't wait for 2024 and to continue with my journey."

Andrew R.

"Fabulous work Amelia and Jasmina. I have learnt a lot, lost some weight and started exercising again. I'll be reviewing the videos, and looking at the biomarkers again, after we do a follow up blood test in February. That will be revealing. Cheers, Andrew."


This program represents immense value and includes:

Full Blood biomarker report, covering over 50 biomarkers with full doctor analysis and commentary.


8 weeks of video lessons led by Amelia and Dr. Jasmina, giving you profound insights into your health. Also downloadable as a convenient podcast.


3 live workshops with Dr. Jasmina and Amelia, with expert guidance and interactions. Recordings made available for your convenience.


Community access, connecting you with like-minded individuals on a shared wellness journey.


31 page program workbook. This companion will allow you to record your biomarkers, track your progress and craft your action plan.


Dietician designed meal plan, optimised to turbocharge your metabolic health. Includes shopping lists and recipes


Exercise protocol that covers the four key domains of exercise, to deliver results safely and effectively. Follow my plan or integrate into your own.


Expert support throughout the whole 8 weeks, with expert guidance from Amelia or Dr. Jasmina and their team.



"The knowledge you gain over these 8 weeks will stay with you for the rest of your life"
Dr. Jasmina Dedic-Hagan


Regain your energy levels and experience a life of vitality and embracing your fullest potential.
Overcome challenges related to weight by utilising the latest science on nutrition and exercise.
Get to understand your body's unique needs and how that translates to what's best for your body.
Become the master of your own health and wellness, enabling you to make informed decisions about your overall well-being.


Frequently Asked Questions


Our team is ready to answer any questions you have.

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